Bumpy Skin

Keratosis pilaris (KP) is a prevalent skin condition characterised by small, rough bumps on the skin, typically found on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, and occasionally on the face. While KP is benign and non-contagious, its distinctive appearance, often called “chicken skin” or “strawberry skin,” prompts individuals to seek effective management strategies. Understanding the dos and don’ts of dealing with Keratosis pilaris is crucial for maintaining healthy and smooth skin.

Understanding Keratosis Pilaris (KP):

The term “keratosis” denotes the accumulation of keratin at the upper layers of the skin, while “pilaris” refers to the presence of this piled-up keratin around the hair follicles. In KP, dead skin cells accumulate and block hair follicles, resulting in dry, rough skin with tiny bumps. These bumps are commonly found on the arms, thighs, buttocks, and occasionally the face.

Causes of Strawberry Skin:

While KP can have a hereditary component, additional factors contribute to its development or exacerbation. These include abnormalities in the skin barrier, androgen excess, specific textile choices, traditional hair removal methods, and friction. Understanding these factors is essential for devising an effective management plan.

Do’s for Managing Keratosis Pilaris:

1. Exfoliation with Lactic Acid Body Peel:

   – Incorporate a lactic acid-based body peel, such as Milk Route® KP, into your skincare routine. This innovative triple lactic acid formula targets dryness, roughness, and pigmentation associated with KP. Use the peel 4 to 5 times per week, applying it 10 minutes before bathing for optimal results.

2. Regular Moisturization:

   – Carry a non-occlusive, fragrance-free body moisturizer like SMOO™ Moisturizing Creme Light and moisturise affected areas regularly. This helps combat dryness and maintains skin hydration.

3. Cotton-based, Loose-fitting Clothes:

   – Opt for loose-fitting clothing made from cotton to minimise friction and reduce exposure to synthetic chemicals that may aggravate KP symptoms.

4. Balanced Diet:

   – Maintain a well-balanced diet, as nutrition is crucial to overall skin health.

Don’ts for Managing Keratosis Pilaris:

1. Avoid Harsh Physical Scrubs:

   – Steer clear of harsh physical scrubs, as they can damage the skin and worsen KP symptoms.

2. No Scratching or Picking:

   – Refrain from scratching or picking at KP bumps to prevent irritation, pigmentation, scarring, and potential infection.

3. Lukewarm Showers:

   – Instead of hot showers, opt for lukewarm water to avoid exacerbating skin dryness. Use a mild moisturising body wash to maintain skin hydration.

4. Avoid Waxing:

   – Avoid waxing for hair removal, as it can increase ingrown hairs and worsen Keratosis pilaris. Consider laser hair reduction under dermatological guidance as an alternative.

In summary, while Keratosis pilaris cannot be cured, its symptoms can be effectively managed through a consistent skincare routine and adherence to the provided do’s and don’ts. Utilising products like Milk Route® KP lactic acid body peel and SMOO™ Light body moisturiser can contribute to maintaining smooth and healthy skin. It’s crucial to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and personalised treatment plan, especially if there is uncertainty about the skin condition.